Recent Memorials and Memories
Henry M. Rutledge (1943-2025)
The class has learned of Henry's death on February 14 at his home in Salisbury, MD. Click here for the obituary which contains information about the February 26 11:00 AM celebration of life. A memorial page is in preparation.
Louis H. Reich (1945-2025)
Louis died January 3. Click here for the memorial page.
Robert M Sigler, Jr. (1944-2025)
We have learned that Bob died Friday, December 13, after a long decline due to Alzheimer's. Click here for Bob's Memorial Page which contains a YouTube video of his January 18 memorial service.
Colin W. Hamilton (1944-2024)
Colin passed away in Atlanta, GA on November 7. Click here for Colin's Memorial Page. A celebration of life will be held for both Colin and Bonnie Hamilton on December 6, 2024 at Holy Apostles Church in Virginia Beach, VA.
Henry John Larsen, Jr. (1944-2024)
Henry passed away on July 24 after a long battle with Parkinson's Disease. Click here for Henry's memorial page.
Landon Y. Jones (1943-2024)
The class has received news that Lanny passed away in the evening of August 17, surrounded by his family. Click here for Lanny's memorial page.
William G. Larsen, Jr. (1945-2024)
We have learned that Sandy Larsen passed away June 12. Click here for Sandy's Memorial Page.
Malcolm Davis Johnson (1944-2024)
Dave died March 30 in Rutland, VT after a brief illness. Click here for Dave's Memorial Page.
Robert J. Klahn, Jr (1944-2023)
Bob passed away on Sept. 27, 2023. Click to see his memorial page.
George S. Haight III (1944-2023)
George passed away June 15, 2023. Here is a memorial page.
Robert Y. Kopf, Jr. (1944-2024)
Robert passed away on Mar. 28, 2024. Here is a memorial page.
William Edward Bausch (1944-2024)
Bill passed away March 14. Click here for Bill's class Memorial Page.
Thomas C. Hanks (1944-2024)
Tom died on March 5 in his home in Palo Alto, CA with his daughters Molly and Julia at his side. Tom's life and accomplishments are described on his memorial page.
Jack David Bo Coleman (1937-2024)
Jack passed away on Jan. 28, 2024. For his memorial page and memorial service, click here (we found much more about Jack's interesting and meaningful life after sending the announcement; it was added on June 23, 2024).
Richard B. Greenberg (1944-2024)
Richard died suddenly Thursday, January 4, of a massive cerebral hemorrhage. The memorial page is here.
Peter N. Upton (1944-2023)
Peter passed away the day before Thanksgiving. Click here for Peter's obituary and here for the class memorial page.
Charles Franklin Martin II (1944-2023)
Charles passed away on on Nov. 10, 2023 in Triangle, VA. Charles memorial page is here.
Daniel Phelps French (1943-2023)
Daniel passed away peacefully on October 13, 2023. Here are links to an obituary and to Dan's memorial page.
Robert M. Tobin (1945 - 2023)
We have learned of the death of our classmate Robert M. Tobin who passed away on March 25, 2023. Click here for Bob's memorial page.
James D. Askew (1944 - 2023)
JD passed away at his home in Tuscaloosa, AL on September 28. Click here for his memorial page.
John S. Newbold III (1944 - 2022)
John, also known as "Jock", passed away at his home in Carlisle, PA on May 11, 2022. Class Memorial Page.
Martin Eugene Cummings (1945-2023)
Marty passed away at his North Bennington, VT home on July 17. Click here for his memorial page.
Thomas Peyton Towler (1944-2023)
We have received news from Alumni Relations of Tom's death on June 22. Tom's memorial page is here.
Ronald G. Peters (1944-2023)
Classmate Larry Lindsey has sent news of Ron's death in early February. Ron's Memorial Page is here.
Jeffrey C. Graf (1944-2023)
We have received news from Alumni Relations of Jeffrey's death on March 31. Click here for Jeff's Memorial Page.
James A. Walker (1944-2023)
The class has learned from Jim's son, James, that his father had passed away on March 18th after spending several years in assisted living. Please see his Memorial Page here.
David Yost Hinshaw (1945-2023)
Dave died March 17 from Parkinson's Disease. Click here for his Memorial Page.
The Princeton Alumni Weekly announcement is here.
Marvin L. Gray, Jr. (1945-2023)
A memorial has been posted. The Princeton Alumni Weekly announcement is here.
John P. Kretzmann (1944-2023)
Jody died January 1 at 1:55, in a hospital in Green Bay, Wi., with his family surrounding him. A class memorial is here; it contains several moving tributes and obituaries.