Nominating Committee Named

May 13,12015 Letter to Classmates

As you are no doubt aware, the Great Class of 1966 will celebrate its 50th Reunion next year, specifically over Memorial Day Weekend from May 26-29,2016. Next year will also bring with it the installation of a new group of elected Class Officers to lead our Class for a term of five years commencing on the Sunday of our 50th Reunion. 

Your current five Class Officers along with the advice of the other 23 members of the Executive Committee have decided it is in the best interests of the Class to nominate and select our next group of Class Officers prior to the end of calendar 2015, so that we can spend the remainder of the 2015-2016 academic year planning for the greatest participation of classmates possible and the best Princeton University 50th Reunion ever. 

Article II, Section 2 of the Class Bylaws outlines the nominations and election process of the five (5) elected Class Officers (a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer). Over the past several weeks the initial steps in this process have been completed, and we are now pleased to announce that the following classmates have been appointed to the Nominating Committee:

We believe this is a very conscientious and dedicated group of classmates, all of whom have contributed meaningfully to Class activities in various capacities over the years. Henry has agreed to serve as the committee chair and we have an informal understanding that none of the Nominating Committee members will stand for office. 

As an important next step in the nominations and election process, the Nominating Committee is now soliciting class members to submit candidates for elected Class Officers to the committee for its consideration. If you have a real interest in running for class office yourself, you are encouraged to throw your hat into the ring and submit your own name. 

In addition, you are also encouraged to suggest the name(s) of other classmates. By the end of June please send the name(s) and position(s) directly to the committee either:
  1. via email to any or all of the committee members listed above or 
  2. via snail-mail to Henry at 181 Library Place, Princeton, NJ 08540. 
The Nominating Committee will consider your suggestion(s) and all others and propose a slate. That slate will then be mailed/emailed to the Class by the Nominating Committee, and classmates will then have thirty days to submit to the committee additional nominations, which are both endorsed by ten classmates and have the consent of the proposed nominee. Finally, the recommendations of the Nominating Committee together with any other additional nominations will be reported to the Class, and Class members will be able to vote by email or snail-mail. 

The Class is seeking the widest participation of classmates possible at each step in this nominations and election process. Your suggestions are encouraged and welcomed and the committee will give careful consideration to all proposed nominees. 

Charles Plohn, Jr.