2019 Alumni Day Class Dinner

The Class Dinner at the Present Day Club, 72 Stockton Street, immediately followed the Service of Remembrance. Numerous classmates as well as several undergraduates holding class scholarships were on hand. Jim Merritt was the Master of Ceremonies and Bud D'Avella arranged for the undergraduate guests to attend.


Following cocktails, the Tigertones entertained us with their signature mixture of favorite songs mixed with humor. Kit Mill, as a former Tigertone, joined in for the final number and upheld 66's honor. Before leaving, they led us in singing Old Nassau.


Brian Baker introduced his roommate, Locomotive Award winner Larry Petrowski. Larry received the Class of 1966 Locomotive Award for his work in the forefront of efforts to guarantee healthcare, housing, financial assistance, and hospice care to veterans of the U.S. military services.


Master of Ceremonies Jim Merritt introduced this year's speaker: Bernard Haykel, Professor of Near Eastern Studies and Director of both the Program in Near Eastern Studies and the Institute for Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East. He was a friend of the late Jamal Khashoggi and sponsored Khashoggi’s visit to Princeton last year. See his bio here.



Classmates and friends spotted during the evening:


Brian Baker, Mary & Walter Bliss, Bob Chester, Jack Chidester, Bud D'Avella, Suzy & Dennis Davis, Julie & Carl Eastwick, Gail & John Edie, Barbara & Glenn Goltz, Jane & Mitch Goroski, John Hart, Navina Najat Haidar & Bernard Haykel (speaker), Sarah & Lanny Jones, Bert Kerstetter, Roller Leahy, Bruce Leslie, Anya & Andrew Littauer, Julia Jitkoff & Stas' Maliszewski, Nancy & Jim Merritt, Susan & Kit Mill, Pam & Gary Mount, Virg & Bob Nahas, Mary & Gord Park, Susan Gabert & Jim Parmentier, Caroline & Mike Peterman, Paula & Larry Petrowski, Dorothy & Charles Plohn, Bob Rawson, Jeff Shafer, Eileen & Bill Sisley, Smeds Smedley, Henry Von Kohorn, Sally & Mike Witte, Guy Woelk.


I didn't catch the names of undergraduate guests or the Tigertones.

I'm sure I missed someone in the list above. If so, my apologies, and please let me know. jmhart62@gmail.com.