Oct 28, 2021. DC lunch group. Around the table, L-R: Bill "Roller" Leahy, Stas Maliszewski, John Edie, Wallace Judd, John Slidell, Nelson Hendler, Peter Cary, Ken Krosin, Peter A. Wilson (note: Not Peter L Wilson).



October 23, 2021. Sighted at the Harvard game at Princeton Stadium. Left to right: Charles Plohn, Paul Segal, John Edie, Bob Nahas, Rick Bowers, Ann Spence, Julie Eastwick, Carl Eastwick, Virg Nahas, Ned Groth.







October 4, 2021. Mike Witte writes: "Attached is a photo of myself with classmate Ted Bent yesterday at the Hopper House Museum, where an exhibit of my caricatures is being held (along with a few by a local artist named Eddie Hopper!). At center is the new Executive Director of the Museum, Kathleen Motes Bennewitz, P ‘82!".



August 11, 2021.  John Heminway reports meeting recently with Lanny Jones in Bozeman: "I am excited to be in Princeton at the end of this month dropping off Lucia, ’24. Had dinner the other night with Lanny and Sarah here at the house. Great great fun, especially when I introduced Lanny to 3 of Lucia’s Princeton friends who were here for a few days. They were totally inspired by Lanny. Can’t resist sending you the mug shots of the two of us."




July 29, 2021. Rick Bowers writes Ann and I had a great time visiting Jay and Marianne on Martha’s Vineyard last week.   Wine — notice the glasses — enhanced the tour of Jay’s remarkable wild island sculpture park and self-built house.   Beer, pizza and great conversation completed my idea of a truly enjoyable “art museum visit”. 




December 1, 2020. Brad Willauer writes, "The picture depicts Ann and me handing over the helm of the CCA (Cruising Club of America) to new Commodore Bob Medland March 7 at NYYC, which was more or less the end of  life as we all knew it for 2020.  We had a wonderful two years, travelling extensively around America and visiting Bermuda, Ireland, England and Canada, seeing fellow sailors, a terrific bunch.  We feel very badly for Commodore Medland - he began as the world shut down."


October 22, 2020. The Bay Area '66 Lunch Group had a another Zoom session today.  As always, we had a distinguished '66 speaker, in this case Alice (formerly Lyman) Miller.  Alice is an international authority on China and a faculty and research scholar at the Hoover Institution and separately in East Asian studies at Stanford.  Full biography here. The session was broad ranging, including the truths behind the sometimes overly positive China narrative, the competing forces within the country, the US-PRC-Taiwan relationship, and their demographic challenges.  The program was hugely successful, with 32 classmates and several spouses participating, the biggest group in the Bay Area '66 activities thus far.


Participants: Alice Miller and her wife Avis Boutell, David Marshak, Neil Bloomfield, Joel Primack, Jon Holman, Bill Miller, Bill Brauer, Krist Jake, Tony Zee and his wife Janice, Tim Smith and his wife Ilia, John Hart, Lemoine Skinner, Dick Berger, Mark Lurie, Gib Hentschke, John Scully, Tom Norris, Jeff Reichel, Bill Harrison, Ord Elliott, Rick Jones, Rick Bowers, Joe Zizzi, Steve Harwood, Warren Browne, Hank Hulter, Robert Chester, Tom Adams, and a handful of others who were identified only by phone number.


June 8, 2020. The value of a Princeton education as preparation for the challenges of the real world are known to all. This truth was recently demonstrated during the Covid-19 crisis, Larry Horn benefited from an at home haircut delivered by daughter Debbie '93. May we all survive this trying time in similar good shape and spirits with support from family, friends, and '66.


June 1, 2020. President Goheen wrote us a letter on March 15, 1963. His wise words are still relevant. Andrew Littauer sent these scanned pages, presented as a slide show. You can pause the show by hovering over the picture. You can also download the file.


Page 4



May 30, 2020. Viewers of the Virtual P-rade spotted former (2008-2012) Grand Marshal Charles Plohn, resplendent in his da Vinci hat, proudly introducing the festivities. Charles appears around the 5:25 mark. '66 has several former P-rade Marshals, including Turk Thacher (Grand Marshal at least once), Brian Breuel, and Bud D'Avella (and his son B.J. '97).


You'll spot a few familiar figures from reunions past during the video. Here a few.



2012: Three D'Avella generations and two marshals. Bud back right in hat, B.J. '97 in the foreground with Ben on his shoulders.



May 14, 2020. The Boston Area '66 Lunch Group has moved to Zoom, and 13 classmates logged in yesterday. The conversation ranged widely, and, fortunately, everyone is well with no known infections. Let's keep it that way. BTW, Zoom works well for a group of this size and is a good way to stay in touch - try it in your region or with your '66 friends.


Clockwise from the top left: Ned Groth (a tip of the hat to Ned for moderating), John Hart, David Williams, Stephen Gaal, Jay Lagemann, Mike Tooke, Carl Corey (with great grandchild Asa Bell-Corey of the class of 2029), Bruce Furie, Rick Bowers, David Lee, Jim Parmentier, Brad Willauer, and Owen Mathieu (Owen organized and hosted the meeting).



March 2, 2010 (update), October 7, 2019 (original). This is not your usual sighting, perhaps, Class VP Jon Holman, writes:

"As you all know, I send birthday cards to classmates.  This includes honorary classmates, of which Chris Eisgruber is one.  Class officers and honorary classmates get the Witte-designed '66 stamp plus a Nassau Hall stamp or two (everyone gets the Nassau Hall stamp but the Witte designs are too expensive to use for everyone).  I try and write a friendly/humorous note on each card."


The photo slide show below contains: Jon's birthday note to Chris, the stamps on the envelope, and the note Chris sent in return.


Here's a more recent note from Chris.

"Thought you might appreciate a photo of the framed card.  It took me a while to get this done:  I handed it to someone at the University, and got back an estimate for framing in the 100s of dollars.  I guess it would have been beautifully matted and suitable for display at the Art Museum, but not a good use of AG dollars!  So I ordered a $25 frame from our fellow Tiger Jeff’s little online store, and did the handiwork myself.  Perhaps not the most elegant craftsmanship ever, but still a nice way for me to remember 66’s thoughtful wit."


And, then, Jon's response:

"I was surprised, impressed, and touched to get your handwritten note about the '66 birthday card.  I can't imagine how you found the time in the midst of such an extraordinarily busy job and life.  Thank you. Just to add one final touch for your entertainment, see here http://tiger1966.org/page/ClassmateSightings.  Your kindness has been memorialized and you've been compared to Andrew Carnegie."


Stas Maliszewski adds "The eloquence of your note to Eisgruber reminded me of the wonderful note from the Class of 1904 [Note from '04 and AC's response] when they invited Andrew Carnegie to be an honorary classmate on their 5th reunion."


It appears that '66 will go into Princetoniana history, either in his office or home.  As we deserve.



December 26, 2019. Larry Horn visited Disney and quickly spotted a soul mate.


November 28, 2019. Lanny Jones is home from the hospital after 125 days, enjoying Thanksgiving with his family. His daughter Cassie is thankful for all the support from '66 classmates and will keep us posted on new developments. Scroll down to August 23 and June 27 for more.



November 11, 2019, July 31, 2019. Smeds Smedley, Googan Bunn, and the 50th Reunion Jacket in London and beyond -- Smeds' 50th jacket was a huge hit, and Googan first snapped Smeds in his 50th jacket being admired by the ticket taker on the train and next having a drink, when he was asked where he got the fabric. The slide show also captures them enjoying a good day at Sunningdale Golf Club and moving on to Cambridge and Brancaster (and more golf?). The waitress at the White Horse Tavern couldn't resist being photographed with the Smeds' 50th jacket. The owner told him that her business increases the week he stays in that town and dines there because people want to be around him. 


Paul Lawrie winner of 1999 Open Championship (called British Open by most Americans) couldn't resist wearing Smed’s jacket. The weekend following the taking of this picture, Laurie got his first Senior Tour victory and shot a 60 in doing so. Clearly a result of wearing the jacket. Recently, Googan and Smeds met John McDonough in Chicago for a micro-reunion. The young ladies at the next table couldn't resist giving the jacket a try.


Do you have a good Reunion Jacket sighting? If so, please send and we'll find a spot for it. jmhart62@gmail.com 



Update: 9/17: Bob Nahas reports, "I was on campus yesterday and met Jennifer Caputo, the Executive Director of Alumni Engagement. She said her husband was golfing in Scotland this summer and upon walking into the locker room at one club, he saw hanging what he knew had to be a Princeton Reunion jacket. Of course it was our 50th jacket."



1. The ticket taker can't resist the jacket



November 10, 2019. On October 30th, Nightboat Books and Tibor de Nagy Gallery hosted at the gallery a party celebrating the launch of the latest book by Doug Crase - "The Revisionist & the Astropastorals: Collected Poems". Doug, a recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship (the so-called "Genius Award"), a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Whiting Award, was joined at the event by two of his undergraduate roommates, Paul Segal (left) and Charles Plohn (right). The book is already on the Plohn Hall Library shelves with an inscription to the class.


November 9, 2019. That's Mike Tooke lends a hand in a dive bombing run in a family photo at the "Midway" premier. Mike's son Wes '98 is the screenwriter. Adding to the family affair, it's notable that Mike's father was in the Navy as a naval architect and was involved in the design of the carriers used in the battle. Mike writes,

"Nancy and I went out to LA for Wes Tooke’s Midway premier this week. The movie business is something else - stars, models, dress up, WWII dive bomber outside the theater, post-filming parties, etc. Surprising nobody, Nancy and I thought Midway was terrific - good history lesson, excellent acting and, surprise(!), plenty of action. It opens this Friday in over 2,000 theaters in the US and thousands more around the world.  Tell your friends! ... PS The family portrait above was part of the festivities after the premier.  ...[Here"] is the most recent trailer, which some of you may have already seen."

Stas Maliszewski with Mazzie and Charlie Gogolak had safer and more comfortable seating in lower Manhattan as they waited for "Midway" to start.


Nancy and Mike Tooke lend a hand as Mike prepares to dive bomb the Japanese fleet.



November 9, 2019. Jon Holman (perhaps our class' leading "sighter") writes, "I had lunch yesterday with Tom Lemberg (right in the photo), the youngest member of our class (May 18, 1946).  Entered with '67 as a U. Scholar, skipped a year and graduated with us.  Was in San Francisco to attend his granddaughter's bat mitzvah.  Had a very successful legal career, including as General Counsel at Lotus and Polaroid.  Now retired in Tampa, where he grew up." Tom's class directory essay, recently updated, has much more.


Nov 8, 2019 - Bowers Kerstetter Landeck at Tribeca Grill NYC after party at Jeff Shafers on the eve of the Princeton - Dartmouth 150th Anniversary football game at Yankee Stadium




October 10, 2019. John Scully received a lifetime achievement award for his work with the Making Waves Academy, and among the many attendees were '66 classmates Ord Elliott (also a Scully roommate), Walter Bliss (likewise), Terry Eakin, Tim Smith, Bill Harrison, Jon Holman, and Peter Wendell '72 (who served on the PRINCO board and as a Trustee with John).  Terry and Jon also were Stanford GSB classmates of John.  Ord made a very humble and humorous speech which referred to the Order of the Royal Hog, the name assumed Princeton by John and his roommates.  They had been accumulating monies for charitable purposes and this year chose to gift all of it to Making Waves Foundation in John’s honor.  Ord led us in a Locomotive in John's honor, captured in one of the attached photos. See the Classmates in the News page for more about the award and John's work.



Ord Elliott, Walter Bliss



September 25, 2019. A lively '66 lunch was held today at Delancey Street Restaurant in San Francisco with 26 attendees, the biggest San Francisco lunch ever.  25 from '66 plus Nancy Abrams, wife of our speaker (and '66 Locomotive Awardee) Joel Primack.  Joel held us spellbound with his account (presentation here) of how our understanding of particle physics and the state of the universe have changed since we all were undergraduates.


Attendees were Nancy Abrams, Tom Adams, Dick Berger, John Black, Neil Bloomfield, Rick Bowers, Warren Browne, Bob Darling (first time at a Princeton event since 1966!), John Haeger, Tom Hanks, Steve Harwood, Gib Hentschke (flew in from Los Angeles), Jon Holman, Krist Jake, Mark Lurie, David Marshak, Tom Norris, Joel Primack, Jeff Reichel, Geoff Reinhard (also first Princeton event since 1966!), Leonard Schwarz '65 (but graduated with '66), John Scully, Tim Smith, Peter Waring, Jeff Weiss, and Joe Zizzi.


The slide show includes nearly everyone but photographer Jon Holman who modestly abstained from being photographed.



Jeff Weiss, Joel Primack, and Gib Hentschke



August 23. Tom Tureen visited Lanny Jones in New York and reported that he's doing well. Tom also visited Jeffrey McMahon and Willy Osborn while visiting New England. Willy went up to visit Tom in Kennebunkport, ME where he keeps his boat for the summer and where his daughter Rose goes to camp. After meeting up with good friend and law school roommate Alan Stone, they had lunch together and took a short boat ride.



Jeffrey McMahon and Tom Tureen



August 23, 2019. Peter Cary celebrated his 75 birthday and carried '66 and The Gun to the heights and back to ground level - the video tells the tale.




July 26, 2019. From Ned Groth. Dinner in NYC last night. The catalyst was Ano Ozumba (our classmate and my fellow Dial Lodge member), who is Nigerian and lives there in Enugu but was visiting here for a few weeks, so some of us got together. Left to right, Lee Duxbury, a friend and former work colleague of Ano's, who has no PU ties (he is a Rutgers grad); me, Ano and Dick Woodbridge '65, a Dial friend of Ano's and mine. Lee lives in NYC, I came down from Boston, Ano came in from his daughter's in CT, and Woody came in from Princeton. A good time was had by all.



July 15, 2019. Mike Spence was spotted in this UBS ad in The Economist. The fine print under the photo states "Michael Spence. Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences." Find out more about his life and work here. A similar ad appeared in the New York Times in February.


July 12, 2019. In his relentless pursuit of 66-authored books for the Plohn Hall Library, Class Librarian Charles Plohn is often sighted in remote locations. He found Ted Bent in Nantucket and picked up a copy of How to Make Love to a Single Girl (A picture book of love for the young and young at heart with over 160 delicious photographs). Ted writes, "Charles and I never knew each other at PU, so we’ve finally caught up when he came by to pick up a copy of my only published ([1975] anonymously as Robert M.) book, How to Make Love to a Single Girl.   Something I would not longer dare to try."






June 27, 2019. Lanny Jones did the sighting in this case and writes,

"Here I am yesterday with Joe Schein ‘37, who at age 104 carried the silver cane at the P-Rade this year and walked the whole distance. He is completely sharp, smart, and a storehouse of stories. He knew Einstein, Henry Morgenthau, Christian Gauss, Abraham Flexner, Feynman, Von Neumann, etc. He has had a very distinguished medical career in NYC. He told me he has not yet retired. He came to the apartment where I am still quarantined in NYC after my stem cell transplant in April."


Dr. Schein is a link between the Princeton of the past and today and even to our class. He also carried the silver cane at our 50th (see the last three paragraphs) on a hot and humid day that wilted some of us.  This article about The Joseph Schein, MD Endowed Fellowship in Experimental/Molecular Pathology contains a short biography.



June 13, 2019. Bruce Leslie spoke at the Princeton Alumni Association of Maine dinner in Portland, President Jim Parmentier presiding. Five other Maine classmates plus one Massachusetts tourist passing through town (Brad Willauer, Jim Mays, Ted Walworth, Steve Gaal, Charlie Emmons, and John Hart) were on hand. Bruce spoke about Dean Henry Burchard Fine 1880, a friend of Wilson's and the man who transformed sleepy math and science departments to world-class status.

L-R: Leslie, Willauer, Mays, Walworth, Parmentier, Gaal, Emmons, Hart


June 6, 2019. L-R in the photo below: John and Susan Davenport and Nancy and Mike Tooke. John writes:

In the last week of May, Mike Tooke, John Davenport and their wives (Nancy and Susan, respectively) had a serendipitous microreunion aboard a river boat cruising the Seine from Paris to Normandy and back. It all started with John's random dinner seating and the obligatory opening question to the man next to him: "Where are you from?" answered with "Princeton". The conversation continued: "Are you a graduate?"; "No, are you?"; "Yes"; "What class?"; "1966"; "Oh, you have a classmate on the ship."; and gave Mike's name." We quickly found each other and had a number of delightful meals together to catch up on 53 years of personal and family history, learning in the process that we each had a son in "98. Small world!



May 10, 2019. From Mike Tooke: Below is the picture of the small out-of-towner dinner we had Friday night prior to going down to Westport, MA for Bill Reed’s memorial service on May 11th.  All of us were close friends of Bill and shared Reedman stories, mostly about his remarkable kindness and good humor though out his life.  The guests were: front row, kneeling, left to right - Keith Jennings, Terry Scherck; second row in front, standing, left to right - Randy Lyon (’65), Googan Bunn, Dick McGinity, Mike Tooke, Mac McMorris, Peyton Bush; standing at the back, left to right - Bill Ducas, Henry Lynn, Jake Redpath, Rick Bowers.  Walter Smedley arrived to last for the dinner photo but was there as well.  The next day, other classmate I saw at the memorial included Jon Dawson, George Weiksner and John Lumpkin.




April 23, 2019. Jay Lagemann and Hitchhiking Tiger stopped by Plohn Hall on the way north from 66 at the Races. Charles Plohn snapped Jay in the Plohn Hall Library and graced the bookshelf with a small cast bronze Hitchhiking Tiger (first photo). Jay is holding a copy of The Language of Motion, the catalog from his 2014 show at the Academy Art Museum in Easton Maryland. For photos from the show, see the Plohn Hall Library, Artists & Authors page (scroll down to May 31, 2014).



April 18, 2019. Just Passing Through Town, Betty Lou and Tiny Morgan grabbed the opportunity last Friday to have lunch with Jon Holman in SF. They were on a cruise from San Diego to Vancouver. Betty Lou writes, "Just got home midnight. Before we get busy back at home want to thank you again for treating us to lunch. So fun catching up really appreciate you taking the time to be with us. Tiny so enjoyed. See you June." Reminder: The 53rd Reunion is May 31-June 2. Off-yaer reunions are relaxed and fun.


April 3, 2019. San Francisco Lunch Group. 21 classmates gathered at Delancey Street Restaurant in San Francisco for a '66 lunch.  Attendees were Tom Adams, Dick Berger, Neil Bloomfield, Rick Bowers (temporarily living in Palo Alto from Boston while at a special academic program at Stanford), Terry Eakin (ditto, but from Bethesda), Ord Elliott, Bruce Gates (in town from Portland, Oregon to visit Ord), Michael Goldstein, Tom Hanks, John Hart (flew in from Boston for the lunch & family visits), Jon Holman, Krist Jake, Mark Levine, Mark Lurie, David Marshak, Tom Norris, John Scully, Lemoine Skinner, Tim Smith, Tom Tureen, and Jeff Weiss.

Joel Primack was to have spoken at the lunch on the State of the Universe, but was prevented from arriving by airplane problems.  So Mark Levine jumped in and made a terrific presentation on climate change.  Mark is a world-renowned chemist and climate scientist who spent the bulk of his career in senior roles at the Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, and was the principal author of the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that won the Nobel Peace Prize in conjunction with Al Gore in 2007.

The other agenda item for the day was to present the sixth Class of 1966 Locomotive Award to Joel.  The Locomotive Award was conceived by our classmate Bill "Roller" Leahy and is awarded by a '66 committee to classmates of great accomplishment and merit who have not previously been honored by the University.  In Joel's absence, John Hart still delivered a presentation speech describing the award and why it was given to Joel.  Joel was our Valedictorian and has had a brilliant career as a physicist at U.C. Santa Cruz.  He is an internationally known cosmologist and one of the authors on the underlying theory behind dark matter.  He also has been on the forefront of organizing the physical science community to speak out and feel responsibility for social issues, which was the topic of his Valedictory address to our class and which has been of lifelong importance to him.  Joel has been the recipient of awards and recognitions too many to list; he currently is President of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society, and is Chair of the Forum on Physics and Society in the American Physical Society.  The award will be physically presented to Joel at a later date (Click here and scoll down).  The citation speech may be viewed on the Locomotive Award page of the '66 website (In preparation).


March 7, 2019. Joel Primack was in Boston in March for the American Physical Society meeting, and he and Ned Groth had a micro-reunuion of Princeton/Stanford friends. L-R in the photo, taken by Joel's wife Nancy Abrams, are Ned, Alan Guth, Frank von Hippel, Bob Jaffe '68, and Joel. Ned feels that if you crop him out, the average IQ here might be the highest ever recorded in this galaxy.


Ned reports that Frank went to MIT but taught at Princeton for many years, in the WWS, focusing on science and global security, and was at APS to talk about nuclear arms control. Bob was a physics major and valedictorian of his class (just like Joel), and Bob, Joel and Ned all were PhD students at Stanford in the late '60s. Bob and Alan, who has taught at Princeton, are both well-known MIT theoretical physicists and cosmologists. There was lots of stimulating talk about dark energy, dark matter, inflation theory, and the like. Meanwhile, Ned and Nancy talked about reality as they perceived it. Perhaps our motto could be changed to "Princeton in the Universe's service, and in the service of all universes" the next time the trustees discuss the issue.


Joel will be at the SF PU '66 lunch on April 3, where he will talk about "How our understanding of the universe has changed from 1966 to now," or words to that effect.



November 17, 2018. '66 was on hand during the 10-0 undefeated 2018 football season - the first undefeated season since 1964. For everything about the season, including game descriptions and photos, click here.



Oct 20, at Harvard (29-21)). L-R: John Hart, Hallie Lee, David Lee, Sharon Groth, Gordon Hart '70 (John's brother). Hallie and David hosted the tailgate party. Ned Groth took the photo and has more photos on his FB page - https://www.facebook.com/ned.groth/posts/1767458390048209



Autumn, 2018. The 66 Boston Lunch Group meets monthly, more or less, on the third Thursday of each month. If you're in town, please join us (Contact Ned Groth [nedgroth@cs.com] or John Hart [jmhart62@gmail.com] for details). The September 13 kickoff had (L-R around the table in Photo 1) Owen Mathieu, David Williams, Willy Osborn, Rick Bowers (back from the Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute), Ned Groth, John Hart, and Jim Parmentier. Jay Lagemann and his reunion tigers joined the Oct 18 group with William Ducas, Mike Tooke, Groth, Hart, Lee, Osborn, and Williams. Jay had taken the tigers down to NJ to have them 3-D scanned, and he parked behind the restaurant on the way home, providing another photo op. Two days later, Groth, Hart, and Lee reconvened for the Princeton-Harvard game (29-21 victory) and pre-game tailgate (photo 6 in the slide show) hosted by Dave and Hallie Lee. See Ned's Facebook news feed for photos and more. In November, Tim Barrows joined the group, and Lagemann showed up with very heavy bronze painted tigers cast from molds made in Hong Kong from the 3-D scans. Judith and Jeff Green, visiting Boston from their home in Jerusalem and David Dollenmayer joined on Dec 20 (photo 10), set the long-distance record and co-educated us.



2) Oct 18. Parked tigers with Osborn, Lagemann, Williams, Groth, Tooke




October 17, 2018. Bill Brauer met up with Jon Holman at the Market Bar in SF as Jon continues to flush out classmates far and wide. The class birthday card often does the trick. Bill reports that he has never been to Reunions, played semi-pro basketball in Europe soon after law school, he's a retired attorney, and his main avocation is five days a week with his grandson Teo. Bill also volunteers at a crisis hotline, and he plans to start coming to our '66 Bay Area events. He is married with two daughters.

October 15, 2018.Lanny Jones was staying at the Cambridge, MA Charles Hotel (Harvard's attempt at a Nassau Inn equivalent) and snapped this photo of artwork in the room. Lanny spotted Mike Spence among the Nobel Prize winning economists that the Econ 101 students will be expected to master.  This is Harvard, so one economist's name is misspelled.

October 5, 2018. On October 4, 2018, 21 '66 classmates met for lunch at Delancey Street Restaurant in San Francisco.  This was the third San Francisco '66 event in the past 12 months.  Tom Hanks '66, a career U.S. Geological Survey scientist, was convinced to speak to the group about earthquakes and the logic for earthquake insurance, which he did with great skill.  His Landon classmate and Princeton roommate Frank Nuessle completely surprised Tom and flew out to San Francisco from Philadelphia just for the event, introducing Tom with much humor and a very funny high school poster.  Also visiting from the east coast were Jim Parmentier and Ken Krosin.  The other highlight of the gathering was welcoming Peter Waring, who by coming to the lunch attended his first '66 and Princeton event since graduation.  Kudos to Tim Smith for coming up with the idea of having a class speaker. Here is the list of 21 attendees:

Tom Adams, Warren Browne, Ord Elliott, Michael Goldstein, Tom Hanks , Jon Holman, Hank Hulter, Krist Jake, Ken Krosin, Mark Levine, David Marshak, Tom Norris, Frank Nuessle, Jim Parmentier, John Scully, Lemoine Skinner, Tim Smith, Tom Tureen, Peter Waring, Jeff Weiss, Joe Zizzi.
The slide show includes everyone but Jon Holman who was so absorbed by taking photographs that he forgot to include himself. No problem: Scroll down to the Oct 1 Stanford Business School reunion to catch Jon along with other 66ers.


Nuessle roasting his former roommate Hanks, with high school photo of Tom with his nickname


October 1, 2018. Jon Holman writes that the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) class of 1968 had 18 Princetonians including ten '66 classmates: Steve Bakke, Lloyd Bentsen, Jon Dawson, Terry Eakin, Jon Holman, Rick Jones, the late George Largay, Bill Reed, John Scully, and George Weiksner (joint MBA/JD program).. This weekend we had our 50th GSB reunion, and four from '66 were there.  Photo attached.  If you can't tell who's who, read the name tags.  If your eyesight has failed, L-R Eakin, Holman, Dawson, Jones.

Searching the archives turned up images of the '66 football team composed of GSB and other classmates at Stanford. The photo on the left has '66ers line up in a single wing at GSB, 1967. Backfield: Weiksner, Frank Remley, Largay (deceased), Reed. Line: Dawson, Jones, Ken Boudwin, Eakin, Tom Curto '65, and Scully. On the right, Backfield: Weiksner, Largay, Reed, and Line: Dawson, Bentsen, Eakin, and Scully at Scully's Long Island home in 2004, reprising their 1967 lineup at Stanford GSB.



August 28, 2018. Jim Parmentier is sailing in Maine and meeting up with other classmates. "Susan Gabert and I hosted Eileen and Owen Mathieu overnight this past Saturday as they made their way from Marblehead to Penobscot Bay on their 30' Sabre NORBECK....and we fed Barbara and Glenn Goltz a drive-by dinner on Sunday evening as they headed to Camden to sail the schooner GRACE BAILEY for a week.  Susan is the lady to Glenn's right in the picture.  Lynn and David Williams introduced us last Fall, after our Chesapeake mini-reunion."


August 27, 2018. John Edie writes, "Hi gents - Frank MacMurray and I have been hiking in the Bugaboos (Canadian mountains) for the last six days. These are two shots at our last helicopter pickup today.  Gail took the picture. Amazing mountains!"


Earlier Sightings - Back to 2014