Alumni Day 

February 22, 2014

The Great Class of 1966 kicked off Alumni Day (click here) with a Friday night screening of John Heminway's Battle for the Elephants followed by dinner and conversation with John (co-sponsored with our 2016 Grandchild Class and open to the public). 

The class reception and dinner Saturday evening featured John discussing the film and issues surrounding the ivory trade.

88 people attended the dinner, including:

  • 37 classmates
  • 27 spouses/partners 
  • 2 recently-engaged (post Service of Remembrance) paying guests 
  • 3 surviving family members 
  • 1 non-eating/non-paying guest
  • 18 undergraduate guests paid for by classmate contributions
Classmates spotted at the dinner or on campus include:

M. Barrett, Beaty, Bliss, Bowers, Breuel, Chen, S. Cook,Cruikshank, D'Avella, D. Davis, Eastwick, Fitch, Gilbert,Goroski, Hansen, Hart, Heminway, Horn, L. Jones,Kerstetter, Kinard, Leahy, Leslie, Littauer. Maliszewski,Mara (h), McMorris, Merritt, Mill, M. Miller (h), Nahas,Nuessle, Parmentier, Plohn, Rawson, Sachs, Segal,J. Shafer, Shanahan, Stitzer, Thacher, Von Kohorn,Witte, Woelk.

Also attending as class guests were Sanda Jordan (widow of Dan Adams) and Ayoh Uboh (Biodun Kassim's daughter). Our 18 undergraduate guests, paid for by classmate contributions, included 2016 officers, Princeton Prize winners, and holders of scholarships associated with our class.