Princeton University Class of 1966   Bylaws

ARTICLE I: General Organization 

Section 1. 

The Princeton University Class of 1965 is organized pursuant to and will perform all activities consistent with the terms and provisions of the Constitution adopted and effective on June 2, 1984, as it may be duly amended. 

Section 2. Governing Members. 

The Princeton University Class of 1966 shall be governed by the Officers and the members of the Executive Committee. All such individuals shall constitute the Governing Members. 

Section 3. Meetings. 

A regular meeting of the Princeton University Class of 1965 shall be held annually unless the Governing Members as defined above conclude that such meeting is not required. Meetings of the Governing Members and/or the Class may occur at such times and such places as deemed appropriate by the President or a majority of the Governing Members. Notice of any meeting of the Princeton University Class of 1966 shall be given in writing not less than two weeks before such meeting. 

Section 4. Quorum. 

For the purposes of conducting business, a quorum shall consist of seven of the Governing Members provided that the Officers and Governing Members may take action in the absence of a quorum if such action is approved by a majority of the Governing Members present and is ratified by a majority vote of the Governing Members at the next meeting where a quorum is present. Written proxies will be permitted if transmitted prior to the meeting to the president of the Princeton University class of 1965, Each Governing Member shall have one vote. 

Section 5. Action Without A Meeting. 

Any action required to be taken by law, the Constitution of Princeton University Class of 1966, or these Bylaws, or any action otherwise permitted to be taken at a meeting as set forth in Article I Section 3, above may be taken by the officers of the Princeton University Class of 1966 without a meeting if a consent in writing is obtained from a majority of the Governing Members of the Princeton University Class of 1966 within sixty days following such action.


ARTICLE II Governing Members 

Section 1. Elected Officers. 

The Officers of the Princeton University Class of 1966 shall consist of a president, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers shall be erected by a plurality of those members of the Princeton University Class of 1966 voting in said election. 

Section 2. Nominations of Elected Officers. 

A Nominating committee shall be appointed by the then-current Class President, with the advice of the Governing Members. The membership and number of members on the Nominating Committee shall be determined by said Officers. Candidates for class office will be solicited from the class members by the Nominating committee.  From those names suggested and others, the Nominating Committee will propose a slate and advise the members of the class in writing. Within thirty (30) days other nominations may be made by submitting the signatures of ten (10) classmates with the consent of proposed nominee. The recommendations of the Nominating Committee together with any additional nominations shall be reported to the class in writing not less than four months prior to the end of the term of the erected officers. All members of the class shall have an opportunity to vote on the nominations so reported. 

Section 3. Appointments and Committees. 

(a) The officers of the Class shall appoint additional Governing Members as they deem necessary and appropriate. Such appointments may be for the terms and purposes as specified by the officers. Such appointees may be designated members of the Executive committee, as determined by the class officers. 

(b) The Officers of the Class nay appoint up to six Regional Vice Presidents who shall undertake the duties and responsibilities assigned by the officers of the crass for the term specified. Such Regional Vice Presidents shall be Governing Members and members of the Executive Committee. 

(c) The officers of the class shall appoint members of the Class to the Executive Committee who shall be members of the Governing Members. The number and term of those appointed to the Executive committee shall be determined by the officers. The officers and/or the Governing Members may appoint additional committees as nay be deemed appropriate. 

Section 4. Terms. 

(a) Elected Officers. The elected Princeton University Class of 1966 shall hold Sunday of Reunion Week of the year of election years or until their successors are appointed first five-year term shal1 commence in 1966. Officers of the office commencing for a term of five or elected. 

(b) The Appointments and Committees. Governing Members appointed by the officers shall serve for the term specified by the officers when the appointment is made. Governing members may be reappointed by the Officers. The Officers may give consideration to establishing staggered terms for members of the Class appointed to the Executive Committee or any other committee, even if such terms extend beyond those specified in Article I, Section 4(a). 

Section 5. Vacancies. 

If a vacancy occurs in any office, the Governing Members may immediately appoint a replacement to fill such office for the duration of the original term. If a majority of the Governing Members so determine, a special general election may be held to fill the vacancy for the duration of the original term. 

ARTICLE III Duties of Officers and Committees 

Section 1. Governing Members. 

Members of the Princeton University Class In general, Governing of 1966 shall have full authority to represent the class on appropriate occasions and to perform all duties and responsibilities consonant with such position whether or not specifically set forth in these Bylaws. 

Section 2. President. 

The President is the elected leader of the Class and may represent the Class in all activities with and on all committees of Princeton University. The President shall preside at all Class meetings and all meetings of the Governing Members, The President shall have plenary authority in Class matters and shall undertake such other duties as may from time to time be specified by the Governing Members or which he may undertake pursuant to his plenary authority. 

Section 3. Vice Presidents. 

The two Vice Presidents shall have the responsibility of acting in the place of the President in his absence or incapacity or resignation. It is contemplated, but not required, that one vice President shall have overall responsibility for all financial matters relating to Annual Giving, Class Memorial Fund, Special Gifts, and any other related matters. It is contemplated, but not required, that one Vice President have overall responsibility for projects including Reunions, Class Special Events and any other specific activities. The President shall have authority to delegate specific duties to each Vice President. 

Section 4. Secretary. 

The Secretary shall keep and supervise all records and minutes of the Class, including the supervision of records kept by any other person given duties to do so. The Secretary will provide regular Class notes for the Princeton Alumni weekly and send out such newsletters or crass communications as may be appropriate including the ballots. The secretary shall also have any other duties be delegated to him by the president. 

Section 5. Treasurer. 

The treasurer shall be responsible for all class assets and shall be responsible for collecting class dues and any other class funds. The treasurer is authorized to sign all checks, maintain the Class bank account, and pay all bills of the Class the Treasurer may open such bank accounts and maintain such investment accounts as may be approved in writing by any other two officers of the Class. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility to supply detailed financial reports to the Governing Members and to the Class as appropriate. 

Section 6. Appointment of Governing Members.

Appointments by the officers may be for any specific purpose, such as Reunion chairman, chairman of Annual Giving, chairman of Memorial Fund, and Regional vice presidents. If and when such appointments are made, the officers shall specify the specific duties and responsibilities of those appointed. All individuals appointed by the officers shall be members of the Executive Committee is contemplated but not required that the Reunion chairman would report to the vice president in charge of projects. Likewise, the Chairman of Annual Giving and the Chairman of the Memorial Fund would report to the vice president in charge of financial matters. 

Section 7. Executive Committee. 

The Executive Committee shall have general supervision over the conduct and business of the Class and shall undertake duties and obligations accordingly. The Executive Committee shall also undertake specific projects which may be identified by the Officers of the Class from time to time. 

Section 8. Other Committees.

The Officers of the Class and/or the Governing Members may establish. Such other committees as they deem appropriate in their sole discretion. The powers, membership, and term of such committees shall be determined by the Governing Members. 

ARTICLE IV Fiscal Year 

The fiscal year of the  University Class of 1966 shall be July 1 through June the Princeton 30.

ARTICLE V. Amendments 

Governing Members, by the affirmative vote of a quorum of all of Governing Members, may amend or alter any of these Bylaws at any meeting provided that the substance of the proposed amendment shall have been stated in the notice of the meeting. 

ARTICLE VI Honorary Classmates 

Section 1. 

Any Classmate, including any of the Governing Members may propose an individual for consideration as an Honorary Member of the Class. Any such proposal shall be considered by the Governing Members at the next scheduled meeting or at a special meeting duly called by the President, If the person(s) proposed is approved by unanimous vote of a quorum of Governing Members, the person(s) proposed shal1 be submitted to the class for approval. If approved by the class, the person(s) shall be made an Honorary Member of the Class with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities thereof . 

Section 2. 

The spouses of deceased members of the Class shall automatically be Honorary Members of the class with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities thereof.