Thomas Peyton Towler (1944 – 2023)


The class has just learned that our classmate, Tom Towler, died June 22. Tom came to Princeton from Troy HS in Troy, MI. He fought prostate cancer for 20 years. A resident of the Los Angeles area, Tom had previously lived in Topanga and then Decker Canyon in Malibu but his house was lost in the Malibu fire. He then moved to Summerland. We do not have an obituary at this time, nor do we have information regarding a memorial or funeral service. Please check the class memorial page later or email if you would like to be contacted directly when we have new information.


Tom left Princeton sophomore year and never returned. Nonetheless, he went on academically and as a TV producer and screenwriter on such such shows as JAG and The Equalizer (click here for more on Tom's credits). He is survived by his wife Enrica Gaspari and daughter Paige Towler. Paige followed her father's path and is a writer.. Enrica adds, "He loved the quiet of the canyons where he could walk his dogs and find peace in nature. Tom’s first show was Michael Mann’s 2 year series Crime Story. The Equalizer was next and he truly enjoyed working with and writing for the star of the show, Edward Woodward. We relocated to NYC for what was to be the last season of the show and it’s where Paige was born. Paige lives in DC with her partner.


The class extends its heartfelt condolences to Enrica and Paige.


Tom responded to the class birthday card, wrote an essay for the 55th Reunion Book, and described departure from Princeton and his subsequent career.


"You mentioned in your Birthday letter that about 20% of the class has left us.  I have no idea why I'm not among them.  I've been fighting advanced prostate cancer, a gift of Agent Orange, for 18 years now.  But still I'm able to greet mornings -- and smile.  I'll continue to do so.


"The reason the 50th Class Book remains 'noteless' for me is quite simple: I was booted out of Princeton at the end of my soph year for hitting the trifecta, academic, chapel and social probation. The proctor who gave me the less than glad tidings suggested I join the Army and return, meaning of course when you've grown up.

"After the Army's 'maturation process,' which included a year in VN, I enrolled at The Art Institute of Chicago rather than return to the hallowed halls. Please don't misunderstand. Princeton is a terrific school. It wasn't what is termed today, a 'good fit' re my interests. I did, however, recommend it to my daughter. She chose U of Chicago because of their Classics Program.
"However, since I shall always be regarded as an alum — If it's of any value:  
Academics: Art Institute of Chicago; L'Eclole Jacques; NIH Fellow, Shakespeare; Fellow, American Film Institute.
Prof and Dep't Chair, Cornish College, Seattle. Guest Artist, Univ of Iowa; Visting Prof/Guest Artist, Univ California, Long Beach.

Professionally I've been writing and producing for television for almost 30 years. (Good God almighty!)"




Lauson Cashdollar: I bought Tom his last meal on campus. He had left school a while ago, but was traveling with one or two friends by car. They were close to broke so he looked me up a Tower Club and asked if I could stake him and his friend or friends to a meal. I said sure and steaked them to a steak dinner the Club was having that night. I have wondered about him from time to time but never heard of him or from him afterward. In any case his work history appears to be a significant tribute to his success in his chosen field that began after a rough start.


Jon Holman: As a result of '66 birthday cards, Tom and I had a pretty lengthy email correspondence over a period of 5-6 years. I think he was pleasantly surprised that we and Princeton still considered him as a classmate and a Princetonian in spite of his departure.


I don't usually write notes for memorials based only on email relationships. But Tom seemed a bit chagrined that he had lost touch with his former roommates, and I felt that he deserved some words from at least one of us. With me he was warm, philosophical, and very appreciative still to be thought a part of our merry band. He spoke openly of his long struggle with prostate cancer and his love for his daughter Paige. As with so many we lose, I wish I had known him back in the day.


David Marshak: Tom worked on two of my favorite TV shows, JAG, and the original version of The Equalizer. Tom was a supervising producer on JAG and wrote episodes 2 and 10 in the second season of JAG. He cowrote episode 11. I plan to watch Secrets soon. It is streaming on Paramount+. I loved Edward Woodward and The Equalizer.

Additional Photos and Memories

These four photos were sent by Tom's daughter, Paige, showing them together over the years.





Additional condolences, memories, tributes, and pictures may also be shared on the memorial page by responding directly to