James A. Walker (1944 – 2023)

The class has learned from Jim's son, James, that his father had passed away on March 18th after spending several years in assisted living.


Jim came to Princeton from Deerfield Academy. At Princeton, he majored in physics and was a member of Cap and Gown. Jim is survived by his wife Anastasia, who is still alive and healthy.


James provided the following biographical information for his father (a detailed professional biography appears later on this page).

  • James Addison Walker was born in Bethlehem, PA 7/2/44
  • Died Las Vegas 3/18/23 Age 78
  • Survived by wife Anastasia 
  • 2 sons James McKelvy Walker, Stephen Makepeace Walker, 
  • 2 stepsons Simon Felix, Christo Felix, 1 step daughter Joanna Sykokis, 
  • 4 grandkids, Elena Walker, Gabriela Felix, Alex Felix, Anastasia Sykokis

Dr. Walker joined enXco (Now EDF Renewables) as Vice Chairman and CEO in October, 2002. enXco, Inc., is a leading US developer, owner and operator of wind energy projects. enXco manages and operates over 4,000 grid-connected wind turbines under long term contracts for such customers as MidAmerican Energy and SMUD. enXco owns nearly 300 MW of operating wind projects and is developing 150- 300 MW of new wind projects per year in the US. enXco is 100% owned by EdF Energies Nouvelles, which is the renewable energy arm of Electricite de France. Dr. Walker has over 30 years experience in the energy industry as a developer, consultant and senior executive in public and private entities. He has been involved in the independent power industry since the early 1980s as Vice President of MCR Geothermal, governmental affairs representative to Edison Mission Energy, principal of QED Research, and co-founder of Princeton Development Corporation, an independent developer of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in the US and Europe. He developed some of the first wind parks in Greece, and has pioneered wind project development in Turkey and Mexico. Dr. Walker served as an energy advisor in the Executive Office of the President in the Nixon and Ford Administrations. He also served in various senior positions in the California Energy Commission, twice being appointed to the Commission by Governor Jerry Brown. Dr. Walker has a Bachelors Degree in Physics from Princeton University (Cum Laude Class of '66) and a Doctorate in Business from the Harvard Business School.


Childhood photo (date unknown)                                                 With Son James


Nassau Herald


Reunion Books

The 45th, 50th, and 55th Reunion Books show Jim living in Las Vegas, NV and Palm Desert, CA.


Professional Biography

Dr. Walker is an internationally known energy expert and independent developer active in North America and Europe. Dr. Walker is co-founder of Princeton Energy Group and served as its President for its first 10 years of operation. Dr. Walker has over 30 years experience at senior levels in government (Office of Management and Budget, California Energy Commission) and as a principal in world-class development projects. In addition to his ongoing responsibilities with Princeton Energy Group, Dr. Walker has served as CEO of EDF Renewable Energy, a leading developer, owner, and operator of wind energy projects in North America. Dr. Walker continues to serve as its Vice-Chairman.
Among Dr. Walker’s notable international renewable energy project development work are:
·     Greece: Brought Zond Corp into Greece and served as their consultant in all development, construction, operations and maintenance activities in Greece. He identified and acquired land rights for over 200 MW of wind projects and executed the first ever 10-year power purchase contract for wind parks with the Greek Public Power Company. He managed construction of two of the first wind projects completed in Greece, both on the island of Crete.
·     Turkey: Dr. Walker is a principal of Turkish Wind Partners, which is developing over 40 MW of wind parks on the Cesme Peninsula in Western Turkey. The first 26 MW has executed a 20-year Implementation Agreement with the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.
·     Mexico: Dr. Walker executed a joint venture agreement in Mexico with Deproe, S.A. and EdF Energies Nouvelles to develop up to 2000 MW in the La Ventosa area of southern Mexico. La Ventosa is one of the best wind sites in the world.
Dr. Walker was Executive Director, Commissioner, and Vice Chairman of the California Energy Commission, twice appointed to the commission by Governor Jerry Brown. He played a leading role in the development of an institutional framework for rapid development of alternative energy in California in the 1970s and 1980s. He served as consultant and lobbyist in all state governmental forums in California for Edison Mission Energy. Dr. Walker was a principal at QED Research Inc, an energy consulting firm, and played a major role in the Merrill Lynch team that recommended to Sacramento Utility District that it abandon plans to reopen a nuclear plant in lieu of energy efficiency and alternative energy supply options.
Dr. Walker served on the board of the American Wind Energy Association from 2006 to 2010 and was named 2007 Industry Person of the Year by AWEA. He was a founding member and is current Vice Chairman of the American Wind Wildlife Institute and the Wind Energy Foundation. He has served as chair of the Peer Review Committee for the U.S. Department of Energy’s wind energy programs and budget.
Dr. Walker is also an advisor on solar and wind projects for the North American Development Bank (NADB). NADB was established in 1994 by the US and Mexican governments to finance projects in the US/Mexico border region which provide community benefits to that region. In 2012 it financed over 800 MW of solar and wind projects.

Dr. Walker was educated at Harvard University and awarded a Doctorate in Business Administration. He was awarded an AB in Physics Cum Laude from Princeton University.




Walter Stockman:

I have followed the news on Jim Walker with great interest and great sadness that Jim has died. Jim was for a time the California Energy Commissioner, lived for a time in my house in East Sacramento, then worked for my development company in Sacramento for awhile and then went to Greece to live.  I lost track of him after that. 
I was also one of Jim’s roommates for our last 3  years at Princeton, together with Mike Tooke, Farr, Cartwright, McMorris, Beaty, Trees, Larkin, Keeble (deceased in Vietnam), Henderson and Bowman.


I would add that Jim was very, very bright.  University Scholar, double 800 boards.  And, he was also very kind.  He was a devoted family guy.  Loved motorcycles, loved cars.  Owned a 1923 Rolls Touring car.


Mac McMorris:

Jim Walker, Jake Cartwright, Mike Tooke and I were roommates Sophomore to Senior Year in 3rd entry of Patton Hall, along with 8 others-Called Patton Palace! Summer after Sophomore year we bought Triumph motorcycles in London and drove them throughout Europe. Started with sleeping bags but switched to cheap hotels.



Terry Beaty (seconded by Mike Tooke):


This is incredibly sad news. Walker J was super smart and super talented. I HOPE his need for assisted living was physical and not cognitive.

  • He was a physics major in a rarefied atmosphere with Joel Primack, Tony Zee and Jim Timbie

  • He was an accomplished pianist who “captured” our dates with his “fly paper piano” playing “Cast Your Fate to the Winds”
  • He was an early and passionate advocate of renewable energy and a pioneer in the specialty of power from wind
  • He was multicultural and spent much of his time in Greece with Anatasia’s family, and working on wind in the Med
  • He was a wonderful, considerate friend, roommate and member of Cap+Gown

We were lucky to have known him. Ave atque vale.


Mike Tooke:

Jim was a remarkable person - modest (despite incredible intellect) and outwardly shy (not like the rest of rest of the third entry of Patton).  But his breadth of interest - a joint physics/business PhD, motorcycle racing, piano, interesting women, a 1923 Rolls Race, an expansive business career in energy, and a willingness to engage in the oddities of Patton Palace - was uniquely Princeton.


EDF Renewables North America


Click on this link to download a PDF file, an April 12 letter "Remembering Dr. James Walker".


California Energy Commission


James forwarded this additional information about his father: Attached is a google drive link with some words which family, friends and colleagues helped draft which were read at the California Energy Commission meeting on April 12, 2023 when they remembered Jim and voted on a resolution to officially recognize him for his work as one of the 1st officials elected to head the CEC.


American Wind Wildlife Institute



More Photos



                                                 Jim's Wedding                                 Jim's ??'th Birthday with Family


1923 Rolls Touring car


Additional condolences, memories, and pictures may also be shared on the memorial page by responding directly to 66_MemorialTeam@tiger1966.org.