Colin W. Hamilton (1944-2024)

Colin passed away from Parkinson's Disease in Atlanta, GA on November 7, 2024, surrounded by his family. Colin came to Princeton from the Canterbury School in New Milford, CT. At Princeton, Colin was a member of Colonial Club and majored in Biology. Soon after graduation, he married Bonnie Vancelette, from Skidmore College, who predeceased him after 56 years of marriage. Colin then entered Georgetown University Medical School, and, while there, sons Scott (1968) and Trevor (1969) were born. Following an internship and orthopaedic residency at the Indiana University Medical Center, the family moved to the Virginia Beach, VA area, where Colin pursued his career first with the Public Health Service and then in private practice. Please click here for the obituary with additional information about Colin's family, interests, and service to the medical community.


The celebration of life service for Bonnie and Coin will be held on December 6, 2024 at Church of the Holy Apostles in Virginia Beach, VA.


Nassau Herald

55th Reunion Book

Memories and Tributes

Dr. Tom Meade (friend and colleague)

Dr. Colin Hamilton’s – Toast & Roast (given on Friday, November 2, 2007 by Dr. Tom Meade on occasion of his retirement from AOS).  It’s my privilege and honor to toast and roast Dr. Colin Hamilton on his retirement. I consider Colin one of my best friends and my closest colleague. Colin is one of the best trained, most knowledgeable and most well rounded orthopaedic surgeons in the Tidewater area. As you probably know, Colin grew up in the Washington, D.C. area, went to Princeton University as an undergraduate, and to the University of Indiana for his medical and orthopaedic training.
I first met Colin when he was stationed at the U.S. Public Health Hospital in Norfolk, Va. where he served on active duty following the Vietnam War. Colin then went into private practice in Chesapeake and later joined Virginia Beach Orthopaedic Associates (VBOA). First VBOA became VCO (Virginia Center of Orthopaedics) and later VCO merged with Vann Orthopaedics to become present Atlantic Orthopaedic Specialists (AOS).
Colin and Bonnie (Hamilton) are the proud parents of Trevor and Scott and have 4 grandchildren. Colin is the consummate gentleman, impeccably dressed professional orthopedist, exemplary Christian, caring physician, husband, father and grandfather. He is intellectually superior. He is politically very active, representing Orthopedists and MD’s in the local and state medical societies. He is a very dedicated employee, first to the office and the last to leave. He even has “AOS 1” on his license plate. He has missed less than one week at work over a 30 year career, and only from minor illness or surgery. He is always on time. He never turns work down and has been on the Board of every organization that he has been involved with.
Colin seems to like dangerous hobbies. He took up skiing out West on the big slopes rather late in life and has survived pretty well, only MCL and medial meniscus tears complicated by DVT. Scuba diving trips have also been frightful at times.
Boating is a particular pleasure except for the time that he drove down Laskin Road and an elderly lady pulled through a red light in front of him. (This) caused a broadside accident to fling his boat off of his trailer, over his car, and down Laskin Road at an alarming rate (of speed). Amazingly, there were no major injuries except to his pride and his boat.
(During) another recent fishing trip, I was glad to be invited along. We were excited, planning on going to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel to flounder fish. Colin had recent repairs made to his steering mechanism (which had acted up on him recently and he was excited to go out for the first trip of the season. Unfortunately as we came to a stop under the bridge, he put the boat in neutral for a few seconds. Then he put it into gear while the boat drifted toward the pilings, but it would not move. Unbeknownst to us, the cotter pin (put in during repairs) had not been opened up and it dropped into the gearbox. We did not figure out the problem 'til many days later, when the embarrassed repairman ‘fessedup. Always prepared, Colin called BOAT US and several hours later we had a pleasant tow ride from the first island back to his dock.
We’re hoping in his retirement, Colin might develop safer hobbies. To that end we have gathered a few items that might help him in that endeavor. 1. READING - magazine, glass, Barnes & Noble gift certificate. 2. WRITING – purple heart pen. 3. ‘RITHMATIC – card games, Bridge for Dummies, Poker for Dummies, Poker set. 4. TENNIS-DOUBLES ONLY – tennis racket, tennis shirt, lessons with John. 5. BEER – beer opener. 6. WINE – bottle stoppers, bottles of wine, wine bottle holder. 7. FISHING – rod, reel, line, box, fishing knife, hook sharpener, hook disgorger. All kidding aside, Colin has left quite a legacy to follow. He is a truly dedicated, compassionate, complete Orthopaedic surgeon that will be hard to duplicate.
CHEERS to Colin and Bonnie. They have come a long way. Colin did it the old fashioned way-he earned it. May he be as successful in retirement as he has been in his career.

Dr. Hamilton’s “10 RULES TO WORK/LIVE BY” 1. Always be on time. 2. Be prepared. 3. Work hard. 4. Play hard. 5. Love a lot. 6. Never give up. 7. Be honest. Never tell a lie. 8. Trust in God. 9. Love what you do and do it lovingly. 10. Teach by example.


If you have photos or memories that you wish to share, please send them to the '66 Memorial Team ( We will add them to this page.