Fellow '66ers,

The time is here: Reunions registration!

Is it true you only come to Major Reunions every five years? Nonsense! Off-year Reunions are the best. More personal, more time to talk, the P-Rade, tasty food and drink at Terhune. Should you come to the Majors? Of course. But you should come to an off-year and see for yourself why they're great.

There are two things you need to do now. One is register with the University; details and a link below. That registration is free. The other is tell us if you can make our amazing Saturday night dinner at the Mounts' Terhune Orchards. For dinner, just respond to this email and tell us if you'll be coming and if you'll be bringing a guest. More details about dinner below.



Our 56th runs from Thursday, May 19 to Sunday, May 22. Registration is free, but you have to do it.  Otherwise you don't get a bracelet which permits free roam of campus events (P-Rade requires no registration and no bracelet). Register here for a "satellite" reunion ("satellite" is the University euphemism for classes not in a major year). You will be required to answer questions about your vaccination status, and you are permitted to pre-register just one additional guest, also free of charge. Campus construction and COVID have limited the aggregate number of people that the campus can handle.

Housing near the campus is tight. We've been allocated just two University rooms and they're already spoken for. John Edie has a block of hotel rooms but you need to grab them right now; go to this link to the Bridgewater Hampton Inn
. Not super close to campus but just $149 per night (Friday and Saturday nights) with hot breakfast included.  You must book by April 21; the block of rooms expires then.  And you might get lucky by searching hotels online, but there's a lot of pent-up enthusiasm for this Reunions and many hotels are booked. Don't wait.

There will be many on-campus events to enjoy; schedule will be sent out as soon as the University publishes it. We'll be the guests of '67 at their 55th Reunion, headquarters next to 1879 Hall.  That's the former dorm (now the home of the Philosophy and Religion departments) right where Washington Road meets Prospect Avenue, so a great location far up-campus.

Friday evening we will have a (free!) '66 pizza party on campus at a mystery location (mystery to us as well as to you at this point; we're waiting to be told where it can be). Saturday is the P-Rade, followed by the now-famous dinner at Terhune, where we also will enjoy a Locomotive Award presentation to our classmate Tom Tureen and a private a capella performance by the Princeton Tigerlilies, the oldest (1971) all-female singing group on campus. It's worth clicking on their link below. Cost just $35 for one or $66 for two; the actual cost is higher but '66 will pick up the difference. And you need to let us know if you're coming to Terhune so we can order the right amount of food; please respond to this email about that.  Even if you can't make the other Reunions festivities, come to dinner! Money to be collected later.




We're getting older, guys.  Make it if you can.

Frank Nuessle and Jon Holman
Reunions Co-Chairs and unchanged since 1966