'66 Tiger Talks

 A Tiger Takes on the Second Amendment

by Ted Walworth

Tuesday, April 9, 4:00 p.m. Eastern



Ted Walworth was born in DC, raised in Connecticut, and came to Princeton from Phillips Exeter, the grandson (William Zinsser '09), nephew (William Zinsser '44), and father (Liza '97) of Princetonians. His brother went to Yale and has been forgiven by the family. Ted majored in biochemistry, ate at Colonial, played reeds in the Triangle pit, rowed varsity lightweight crew, and played bassoon in the University Orchestra, becoming its president as a senior.


In spite of the resulting lack of free time, he managed to get into Columbia Med School, married a classmate, and they did their internships and residencies at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. After service as a staff surgeon in the Navy, he moved to Lewiston, Maine and affiliated with two medical centers in his private practice, retiring in 2010. He collected a long list of honors, board certification (surgery), publications, teaching experiences, and memberships in medical organizations.


Life number two, concurrent with life #1, was that Ted continued his deep interest in music via the bassoon and contrabassoon. He has played for many years with the Bates College Orchestra and the Midcoast Symphony Orchestra, has been a guest musician and board member at The Pierre Monteux School, Chair of the Maine Music Society, and on the board of various arts organizations.


Life #3 is Ted's involvement in service. After retiring in 2010, he did surgical missions in Africa with Doctors Without Borders. Other service has included being on the National Advisory Board of the Natural Resources Council of Maine and on the board of the Androscoggin River Alliance.

All of us are aware of the school shootings in Lewiston in October 2023. Ted has been a long-standing advocate for gun safety as a potential means to reduce gun violence (see here), and will talk about this work in his Tiger Talk. Plus of course about the beauties of Maine, and his Princeton family, and why the contrabassoon.


Ted has two daughters and five grandchildren. His wife and medical partner, Candace, died in 2021.


Please plan to join us on Tuesday, April 9. We will start at exactly 4:00 p.m. Eastern, though as usual if you sign on at 3:45 you can participate in some classmate conversation. The link for the Tiger Talk is here.





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