Eric died March 31 from complications following a stroke, eight days short of his 70th birthday.

Eric graduated from Iolani High School in Honolulu. At Princeton he majored in history, belonged to Young Democrats and Orange Key, and earned a Phi Beta Kappa key. He graduated from Harvard Law School.  

Eric began his career as an aide to Senator Daniel Inouye, working for the Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, later as counsel to the Subcommittee on Foreign Trade & Tourism, and then as the Senator’s legislative director.

Joining AT&T, Eric served in its Regulatory Affairs Division, as public policy director of AT&T International, and in the AT&T Governmental Affairs Division. Upon leaving AT&T he became public policy director of the Commercial Internet Exchange Association. Most recently he headed Lee and Associates, a Washington telecommunications consulting firm.

Eric was a man of wide-ranging interests and accomplishments. He played a major role in developing the Telecommunications Act of 1996. He was an active supporter of gay rights and arts organizations and was a trustee of the S.S. United States Trust.

The Class extends its sympathy to Eric’s sisters Brenda and Terri Lee, his brother Earl Lee, and his nieces.


For further information about Eric's life, please click here and here. Click here for Eric's service as secretary for the SS United States Trust