Class of 1966 (1944-2015)




Jon died on September 26 after a short illness.

A lifelong resident of Carmel, California, Jon came to Princeton from Carmel High, where he was a member of the track team and president of his senior class.  At Princeton he majored in civil engineering and was member of Tower Club and the Princeton Yacht Club.

Jon may have held the Class record for number of academic degrees.  Besides his B.S. from Princeton, he held an M.S. from Stanford and three more degrees from Princeton: M.A., M.S.E., and Ph.D. in civil engineering—all earned by 1971.

Jon had an illustrious career in engineering.  He also created Schools3, a nonprofit organization dedicated to school construction in developing countries.  To date, it has built 71 schools in Africa, Honduras, and India.  He was also active in community and educational organizations, including the Advisory Committee to Princeton’s Department of Civil Engineering.

Jon designed and built furniture.  He constructed musical instruments.  And he loved to build boats, reflecting his lifelong love of being on the water.

Jon leaves his wife Tory, sons Mark and George, and four grandchildren.  The Class extends its condolences to all of them.


Click here for more. There is also a memorial to Jon in the Schools3 newsletter. Jon was the founding director, and his widow, Tory, is determined to keep the Schools3 program active in Jon's memory.