Richard J. Kates (1945 - 2020)




Richard Kates passed away on Monday, March 9. A very eloquent obituary can be read here. and another from the Hartford Courant here.


Dick had developed pancreatic cancer before our 50th, and had recovered from several major surgeries and other medical events over the past five years.  He and Maxine lived in Avon, CT with a second home in Sunapee, NH.  In his 50th Reunion write up, Dick mentions he had delivered more than 5000 babies....including many second-generation families and infertility patients.  He will be missed.


Click here for the PAW memorial.


Bill Parent attended Dick's funeral, representing the class, and writes,

"I did attend Dick's funeral service; however, by Friday, March 13, Governor Lamont had restricted the size of gatherings in Connecticut, people were beginning to practice social distancing, and I found myself in a group that seemed restricted to family and close friends.  The mortuary director even provided me with a yarmulke and told me to put it on.

"I enjoyed hearing almost all of the family from three generations eulogize Dick.  His daughter, Robin, had graduated from Princeton in 1993.  Dick had told her to call whenever she finished her senior thesis.  When she did, he traveled from Hartford to Princeton that day and treated her to dinner at the best French restaurant in town.  Robin thought that effort was indicative of what he would do for his children and grandchildren.        
"After the service, I signed the book of attendees with Princeton, Class of '66, after my name.  I did not have the opportunity to speak with the family.  Burial in another town immediately followed.  The subsequent meal had just been moved from the synagogue to the family home, and I did not feel it was appropriate for me to go.
"I did not see anyone I recognized from Princeton.  The only person I recognized was Dick's son-in-law, who happens to be the cardiologist both Sheila and I have."



Harlan Levy: Dick was my wife's longtime doctor. A truly nice super-competent guy. Lived a town away from us. Sad.


Tom Norris: He was a good man.  I will miss him.


Tim Smith: I’m particularly saddened because he and I spoke at length at our 50th reunion about his illness, his gratitude for the gift of life after his fight with pancreatic cancer seemed to have been successful, and his joy at being able to serve his OB-GYN patients and their families so passionately and compassionately over the years. He himself brought joy to the world.  I join you and other classmates in grieving with Maxine.



Top: Freshman Herald and Nassau Herald photos.


Left: 25th Reunion book, Dick with wife Maxine, daughter Robin '93, and son Stephen. Right: US News and World Report physicians list.














With Maxine. Left: Facebook, 2017. Right: Facebook, 2018.



Posted in memorium by Dick's sister-in-law.