Bud D'Avella - Returning from Vietnam

July 29, 2019


The picture of me laughing was taken in July, 1969, just before I left to come home.  We worked in a forward headquarters award office and I had started a tradition of writing a 'funny' award to read at the going away celebration for each of our soldiers.  Now they turned it around on me, with great gusto.  But I think you'll like the way it came to be sent out:


When I reached the 50th anniversary of my return, July 29, I sent an email to many friends and family, stating 


"Dear friends and family: 
Today is 50 years that I returned home from Vietnam.   Very special day for me since I came home in one piece to enjoy so much of what life has to offer, especially the love of family and friends. As I often say, God has blessed me a million ways."

Then my son Anthony, the archivist (where does he get it?) finds that picture and sends it to everyone on my list.  It sure made a hit, and I'm more than gratified by the response.