Kenneth R. Harney (1944 - 2019)



The class has learned of Ken's death on May 23 at his home in Chevy Chase, MD.


Ken's life and career as a syndicated columnist writing "The Nation's Housing" for the Washington Post are described in the Post's obituary. There are numerous comments from appreciative readers of Ken's columns.

The photos at the top are from the Freshman Herald and the Nassau Herald. Please send any additional photos or memories you would like to add to this page by sending email to the webmaster (

PAW Memorial

Ken died at home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, on May 23, 2019. The cause was acute myeloid leukemia.
A graduate of Montclair (N.J.) High, Ken majored in politics, was a member of Charter Club, and wrote for The Daily Princetonian.
Ken served in the Peace Corps in India for two years. His long and distinguished career in journalism included service as the founding editor of Housing and Development Reporter, a publication of the Bureau of National Affairs, and freelancing for The Washington Star and The Washington Post, before launching his four-decades-long nationally syndicated real estate column, “The Nation’s Housing,” for which he won numerous awards.
In addition to his column, Ken was at various times host of a weekly television program on real estate, contributor to publications and websites focused on real estate and housing, author of two books on mortgage finance and real estate, president and chairman of the board of the National Association of Real Estate Editors, and member of the Federal Reserve Board’s Community Advisory Council.
He is survived by his wife Andrea; children Alexandra Harney, Brendan Harney, Timothy Harney, and Phurbu McAlister; and five grandchildren. The Class extends its heartfelt condolences.

Classmate Memories

Tiny Morgan: What an incredible, noble guy Ken was. We knew each other as undergrads but, given all the stimuli of those years, did not become close until we reconnected in DC. Ken was an occasional visitor with the "Lunch Bunch" and was always quick with a story or two. Warmest to Andy. Thanks, Ken, for so many good years together


Left: From the Washington Post Obituary. Right: Class archive



On C-SPAN, 2013


 Facebook, 2014