May 26, 2019. Henry Von Kohorn forwarded the following letter from Judith Ferszt (Program Manager, Program in American Studies) regarding the 2019 Senior Thesis Prize. This prize, created last year, is described below and has been funded through the generosity of members of the Class of 1966. This is the second year in which the prize has been awarded. We also provide funds for JP and senior thesis research.


Dear Henry,
I am delighted to tell you that this year’s Princeton Prize in Race Relations Senior Thesis Prize has been awarded to:
Natalya Linglingay Raneses Ritter, Department of Politics
“‘Stuck in the Middle with You’: The Role of Law in the Racial and Political Classification of Filipinos in America
We received nine strong nominations from seven different departments.
Thanks again to you and the Class of 1966 for establishing this wonderful prize.
All my very best wishes,


April 29, 2018. From Henry Von Kohorn: "We've just gotten word from the Program in American Studies that the the Princeton Prize in Race Relations Senior Thesis Prize, endowed by the Princeton University Class of 1966 will be awarded for the first time this year at Class Day.

Here is the announcement from the Program in American Studies:

The Program in American Studies is pleased to announce a new prize in 2018:


The Princeton Prize in Race Relations Senior Thesis Prize


The Princeton Prize in Race Relations Senior Thesis Prize, endowed by the Princeton University Class of 1966, is awarded annually to a member of the senior class, irrespective of his or her academic concentration, whose senior thesis adds significantly to our understanding of issues of race and race relations in the United States, broadly defined. While a Prize-winning thesis may rely on conventional research methodologies (in libraries and archives, using the research methodologies of the humanities and the social sciences), the Program in American Studies will look with favor on theses that also manage to draw this scholarship into practical and experiential engagement.    


Advisers and departments are welcome to submit nominations for this prize to by Monday, May 14.  Nominated theses should be in the "A” grade range.  We will need to see a copy of the thesis and the readers’ reports.  Letters of nomination are also welcome, and must be included if the readers’ reports do not include detailed evaluations.   Alternatively, hard copies may be delivered to 42 McCosh Hall.


In addition, announcements have been sent individually to all advisers of students in the American Studies Program.  You will be encouraged to know that I heard back immediately from Julian Zelizer that he had a candidate for the Race Relations Prize.


The announcement has been posted on our website: and will be included in the prize newsletter of the Humanities Council.