FLIX '66

'66 At The Races

Zastaria, Reisterstown, MD

April 21, 2018

Updated June 19 with a Cash Bonus Slide Show -- go to the end

About 30 classmates, plus numerous spouses and friends, enjoyed a wonderful day of perfect weather, camaraderie, and of course, the races. As always, Julia and
Stas were our gracious hosts extending warm welcomes to all, newcomers and old-timers alike.

We now have eight slide shows below, showing classmates and guests, three steeplechase races (including the Grand National), partying, the Tigertones, and more.

Before the races started, the wagering went well with Lauson Cashdollar motivating people to place their $20 bets. In the end, the seven winners contributed the entire pot to the Class Scholarship Fund. Senior Senator came in first, repeating his victory in last year's Grand National.

Don't forget to put Saturday, April 20 in your calendar for 66 At the Races 2019.

  1. Ned Groth collected and edited the photos and also wrote the captions, saying "I take full responsibility for any errors, lame jokes, etc." In addition to Ned, Sim Savage, Leighton Chen, Patty Savage, Jane Keller, John Hart, and Stas contributed photos.
  2. If the slide show doesn't start, try refreshing your screen.
  3. Some photos may appear out of time sequence, although the race show is in time sequence. All slides are numbered.
    The slide shows may not start at the beginning.
  4. You can pause at any time; put the cursor over the photo to display the Pause/Play button.
  5. Each slide displays for a few seconds. To read some of the longer captions, you'll want to pause those individual slides. To restart the show, just click 'play'.

Classmates & Kin

Nearly everyone appears in at least one photo, although Ned apologizes that he didn't necessarily get a great shot of every single person. He took most of these candid shots while attention was on the Tigertones, eating, talking, picking a winner, and just having a good time. Apologies for any identification mistakes (let us know and we'll fix them).


The Tigertones come down for the day again this year and entertained us with their usual style and humor. They also enjoyed the races and mixed and chatted us up (or was it the other way around?). It's always great to be able to interact with current undergraduates.


There was a new twist this year. Stas hooked a large haywagon to a tractor and hauled most of us a half mile or so to the hill on the north side of the course. This gave us a comfortable seats in a perfect location, kept the group together and under control, and also assured we had a designated driver for the return trip. Pure genius.


Here are numerous action shots of the featured 116th Grand National Steeplechase, The Benjamin H. Murray Memorial, and the Western Run Plate II. Senior Senator again won the Grand National, and his jockey, Eric Poretz had a great day, winning the other two races as well.

Musical Interlude

Stas & Julia


Cash Bonus Slide Show - New June 19, 2018

Lauson Cashdollar's photos arrived too late for press time, and Lauson said he lost most of his pix due to a computer glitch. But he sent us what he salvaged, covering Saturday up to lunchtime. Ned did the editing and captions, selecting shots that complement the ones we already had.