FLIX '66                

'66 At The Races


Reisterstown, MD

                           April 22, 2017

A great day at the races, graciously hosted as always by Julia and Staś. We have five slide shows below, showing classmates and guests, racing, partying, the Tigertones, and a Zastaria tour. Mark Saturday April 21, 2018 on your calendars for next spring.

Ned Groth collected and organized the photos and wrote the captions and comments. Ned took most of the photos, and Sandra Weiksner also took several.

Before the races started, the wandering wagering went well with Sandra motivating people to place their $20 bets. Half the pot of $540 goes to the Class Scholarship Fund. Dave Bonnett and Frank Langhammer both picked the winner "Senior Senator” and they very generously donated back their winnings. So the total contribution to the Class Scholarship Fund is $540.

The Sunday (April 23) 60 Minutes broadcast ran a piece on the Maryland Hunt Cup and the horse "Senior Senator”. Yes the same horse. Included in the piece was an interview with Paddy Neilson ’64, brother of our former classmate Cookie Neilson.

  1. If the slide show doesn't start, try refreshing your screen.
  2. Some photos may appear out of time sequence, although the two race shows are in sequence and the slides numbered.
  3. Each slide shows for 6 seconds.
  4. You can pause at any time; put the mouse over the slides to display the Pause/Play button.

Classmates, Spouses, and Others

Most people are not looking at the camera because Ned took most of these while the Tigertones were singing, and attention is on them. Nearly everyone appears in at least one photo, although one or two may have been missed. Apologies for any mistakes in identification.

The Races

(1) Grand National Steeplechase

In the first sequence here, two horses fall at the 4th jump, right across from where I was standing. In each successive photo you can see exactly what happened to make each horse to go down. The 16 slides are numbered; wait for #1 to come around to get the most out of the show

(2) Benjamin H. Murray Memorial Steeplechase, the Day's Second Race

The 10 slides are numbered; wait for #1 to come around to see the complete action sequence.

My camera battery was very low, it was raining, so I skipped the last race, went back to the party.

Staś and Julia

Here are our hosts, Julia and Staś, keeping the party going with some help from the Tigertones.


Since we didn't make a video with sound and they look pretty much the same no matter what they're singing, there are just a few pictures here. One or two of them (from "Kiss The Girls") are also in the file of pictures of Staś and Julia. I'm afraid I didn't record the names of the group members but if you wish to identify soloists in some shots, perhaps you can contact them.

A Zastaria Tour

The farm is part of the story. Julia made the sculptures, and her studio is part of the tour.